Thursday, December 11, 2014

Christmas Party!

This last week we had a cute little Christmas party for the kids. I decided to do a KID ONLY party and honestly loved it! It was so fun to have kids at our house and do something fun for my own children. I made it simple, short, and sweet. We started the party by making "Reindeer Food", they each filled a jar of food for Santa's reindeer. You leave it out on the porch in Christmas Eve and while Santa fills your stocking the reindeer can refuel. There was even silver glitter so the reindeer can see the food, and "Flying Powder" (powder sugar) to give them a boost through the night. -Now thinking about it, it kinda sounds like we drugged the reindeer! LOL! Next, we decorated cookies, which I didn't even have to make. My cute friend started a little bakery business from her home and made them all and the frosting for me! And they were really yummy too! Then we had a "candy cane hunt", which is basically the same thing as an Easter egg hunt but with candy canes- OBVIOUSLY! We ended by watching Frosty the Snowman and eating popcorn. This kids then just played until their Momma's came.  I felt it was perfect, I am now much more open to the party idea thing when it is kids only! It is less expensive and you don't feel the pressure to impress anyone! At least for me that is what I feel. I think we will make this an annual event as long as the kids are into it! 

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