Sunday, October 14, 2012

3 under 3

Having 3 children under the age of 3 can has its challenges, but it also has some really awesome experiences that I wouldn't change for anything! Now that Hudson is rolling around, scooting in circles, and smiling from ear to ear all the time, Carlyle and Lenore are really starting to interact with him a lot more.  It is so fun to see how excited Carlyle gets when Hudson smiles at him... "Hudson smiling you!" (meaning Hudson is smiling at me) he always says. Lenore is always giving him toys and kisses and sometimes I catch them playing on floor just next to him and many times all together. It is precious that they come to him just to include the little man in their play and I believe Huddies is in heaven! He loves his big siblings! I was worried for a little while when Hudson first joined our family. Carlyle and Lenore were and are the very best of friends. After Hudson was born Carlyle had a really hard time adjusting. He threw many fits with any transition,  whether we were at home going to the car or out going into the store, there was a fit and it was dramatic! Falling to the floor an throwing himself in the middle of the road. I thought I would never get my sweet Carlyle back and after a few weeks and a whole lot of prayers he started warming up to his little brother and slowly stopped the fits and initiated Hudson into the gang by falling on his head and giving him sticky kisses. It wasn't however until Hudson started to smile that Carlyle really warmed up to him, looked out for him, and wanted to be with him like he does his sister. He LOVES making him smile!

The other day Hudson fell asleep next to Carlyle in my bed so I left them there to take a nap, I walk up a few minutes later just to check on them and I heard giggling as I walk up the stairs. I walk in only to see them both laughing... at each other laughing. It was a precious sight! Lenore has made a great adjustment to not being the baby, she loves her brothers and I think she even enjoys being the only princess. She is bossy and I have to say she really knows how to work us because she pretty much always gets her way! She has learned to say "no" and uses it more often than I would like! She is sassy, but has the tiniest body and little face that makes it almost impossible to say no to! I would say she has James and I, along with her grandparents, aunts and uncles, and even her big brother wrapped around her little finger, I wonder if she will learn to keep it that way and know exactly what she is doing and playing us all! :)

Anyway, those are the major fun things I enjoy having kids so close. Nothing is better than having build in best friends! The biggest challenge I have faced is sleep deprivation! I am always so tired and I really wish I just had half the energy the kids have. I pray after I am done with school I will get a little more me time and stress off my shoulders to ease some of the sleepiness! The other challenge is getting out the door. I am not a home body and really like to get out of my house! I like traveling and moving and going, but it is so exhausting and physically demanding when taking 3 kids, who still can buckle their own car seat, out! So to put your minds at ease, we are taking a break from having babies until I get a little sanity back and some physical health. We are settled for now and feel we want more kids someday, 3 under 3 keeps us busy enough for now!

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