Tuesday, October 9, 2012


I have finally decided to join the crusade! That is the blogging army of coarse... I was frustrating myself with the fact that I have had 3 kids in 2.5 years and don't have written record of any of their births or the cute things they do everyday. When I tell funny stories people always say "You need to write this down" and I never do... My intentions are good, but I do forget and am glad I now have a place to jot down a few things here and there. This blog is also to update our families with pictures of the kids and new things going on the the life of us Bennett's!

The other day we were sitting down with Carlyle, who we have been potty training since the beginning  of August, we smelled something that we have become quite familiar with over the last few years, and new he had not made it to the bathroom. We kindly asked him if he needed his pants changed. Not wanting to get the "we need to tell mommy when you need to use the potty" lecture, he replied, "no". James asked again, and he still replied, "no". James and I decided he needed to learn a lesson of honesty instead of another potty lesson. So we explained that we knew he had gone to the bathroom and if he didn't tell us he would have to sit in time out.

James- Did you go to the bathroom in your pants?
Me- It's okay if you did, we just want you to tell us.
Carlyle- Nope. I fresh bum.
James- Okay Carlyle, you need to go sit in time out.
Carlyle completely heartbroken and in tears sat in time out and paid his "dues".

At this point I wasn't sure if he understood why he was in time out. I looked at James and said I don't know if he understands and I don't want him to think he is in trouble for the accident, but knows it is because he wasn't being honest about it. James assured he would help him understand...

The timeout countdown began 1-10, and he stood up walked over to James and was asked again, James-"Carlyle did you have an accident?"
Carlyle-He relplied softly... "no".
James- "Carlyle are you being honest? Did you have an accident?"
Carlyle-"Yes, I did."
James- Thank you Carlyle for being honest!
Carlyle- Finger goes up in the air "uh, I need to tell mommy!" turns to me "Mommy I went poop!

I think he learned his lesson and I loved that he felt he needed to tell me personally! I sure love that little boy and the last few weeks, he has been honest when we ask him, even if he does initially like to blame his sister for things every once in a while.

1 comment:

  1. I love this! Keep posting... I need to get the motivation and blog!
